Biblical Counseling


Fellowship Groups

During the week, fellowship groups meet in several locations. These groups emphasize fellowship and solid teaching as they seek to equip believers for Christian living on a practical level. You are welcome and encouraged to visit a Fellowship Group. For more information on times and locations of these groups, please see Marvin Delk. 



Iron Sharpens Iron is a bi-monthly gathering of all the men of our church. We are serious about the study God’s Word so that we are conformed to the image of Christ. For more information on times and location of the study, please see Doug Fry.

- Institute for Church Leadership

We are currently working through the Institute for Church Leadership by TMS which, “ supports pastors in the training of their leaders through an online certificate program that promotes sound doctrine and a biblical philosophy of ministry”.

Women's Bible Study

Every Woman’s Grace (EWG) offers fellowship with other sisters-in-Christ and discipleship relationships.  The study is one that encourages daily personal time with the Lord in His Word.  It trains women how to study the Bible in context and make correct applications.

We are studying the gospel of John, a treasured book by all. Looking intently into the life of Christ - challenging our Christian walk & compelling us to live more for Him each day. See you soon!

EWG is scheduled to meet September through April, excluding the month of December for our Christmas break. There are also summer studies available. Please check with one of our ladies for more options. Our lesson begins with personal Bible study through the assigned lessons. We then meet together at our church for group discussions.

The morning EWG meets at the church building from 9:30 - 11:30 & the evening class meets from 6:30-8:30pm for fellowship, teaching, and discussion groups. Please bring your own drink & snacks. We hope you will join us as we begin a wonderful year studying God’s Word and enjoying sweet fellowship together!

This is a bi-monthly study meeting on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays or Thursday of the month.