We are passionate about knowing God’s Word truly so that we may know the God of the Word most intimately. 

We endeavor to accomplish our singular goal of glorifying God through the three key distinctives of our ministry philosophy.  These distinctives include our views of preaching and teaching, shepherding and equipping the saints, as well as evangelism and apologetics.


1. Preaching/Teaching

Key to the health of any church is biblically faithful preaching and teaching.  God takes the preaching and teaching of His Word extremely seriously (James 3:1).  Therefore, a key distinctive of The Bible Church of Beebe is a very high view of those tasks (Ezra 7:10; 2 Tim 2:15).

Our pulpit ministry is characterized by passionate, word by word and verse by verse expositional preaching that brings biblical principles to bear on the life of the believer.

Our teaching ministries are characterized by the proclamation of biblical principles derived from an analysis of the parts of Scripture and applied to relevant issues.

Distinctive: We are committed to expository preaching.


2.  Shepherding the Flock

We are committed to shepherding the flock of God.  Our shepherding primarily (but not exclusively) entails caring for the spiritual needs of the flock.  This occurs through discipleship, counseling and equipping (Matt 28:19-20; 1 Pet 5:2, 3; Eph. 4:11, 12).

As the most basic function of shepherding, discipling believers is fundamental to the ministry of BCB.  Discipleship means to train believers to faithfully follow Christ.

A second key aspect of our shepherding includes biblical counseling.  Biblical counseling means that we endeavor to assist believers in honoring Christ through specific challenges.

Related to discipleship and counseling is the biblically mandated task of equipping.  We endeavor to equip the saints “to do the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12).
Distinctive: We are committed to Christ centered discipleship and biblical counseling, and to faithfully equipping the saints (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:1-3).


3.  Evangelism/Apologetics

We are committed to faithfully obeying the many commands of Scripture to engage in evangelism and apologetics (Matt 28:18-20; 2 Cor 10:3-5; 2 Pet 3:15; Acts 17:23-31).

We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel to unbelievers with a message and method that honors Christ (2 Tim. 4:5).

We endeavor to defend the system of Christian truth and to respond biblically to the many challenges that come against biblical Christianity (Titus 1:9; 2 Tim 4:3-5).
Distinctive: We are committed to evangelizing the lost and to providing a reasoned defense of the truth of Christianity.  We boldly proclaim that Christianity is not a blind faith, but that it is the only internally coherent and rationally viable worldview.

And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.
— Hebrews 1:3